This is the list of birds that we observe in Tierra del Fuego National Park in a day of approximately 8 hours.
BIRDS: Common Giant Petrel; Rock Shag;
Imperial Shag; Black-crowned Night-Heron; Black-faced Ibis; Kelp Goose; Upland Goose; Ashy-headed Goose; Crested Duck; Southern Wigeon; Yellow-billed
Pintail; Speckled Teal; Red
Shoveler; Flightless Steamer-Duck; Flying Steamer-Duck; Rosy-billed Pochard;
Andean Condor; Southern-Crested Caracara; Chimango Caracara; Magellanic
Oystercatcher; Blackish Oystercatcher; Southern Lapwing; South-American Snipe;
Chilean Skua; Dolphin Gull; Kelp Gull; South American Tern; Austral Parakeet; Magellanic Woodpecker; Dark-bellied
Cinclodes; Thorn-tailed Rayadito; Fire-eyed Diucon; Dark-faced Ground-Tyrant; Austral Negrito; Tufted tit-tyrant;
White-crested Elaenia; Chilean Swallow; House Wren; Patagonian Sierra-Finch; Rofous-bellied
Thrush; Correndera Pipit; House Sparrow;
Patagonian Sierrra-Finch; Rofous-collared Sparrow; Black-chinned Siskin;
Austral Blackbird.
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